The True Mission of Entrepreneurs: Pursuing Passion Over Trends

In today’s rapidly changing market, brand leaders and startup entrepreneurs face an important choice: chase trends or stay true to their passions? Many people, during their entrepreneurial journey, are often drawn to the latest fads, trying to quickly capture consumer attention. However, this strategy is often futile, as chasing trends is like chasing the wind—it's hard to maintain. Instead, focusing on what genuinely interests you is more likely to create a brand that is impactful and enduring.


The Challenges of Chasing Trends

According to a study, about 90% of startups fail within the first five years (CB Insights, 2021). Many of these businesses close because they cannot find a sustainable market demand. The strategy of chasing trends may garner some attention in the short term, but in the long run, this approach often fails to convert into stable revenue. Take the fashion industry as an example; some brands may become instant hits by launching products that align with current trends, but as fads change, these brands can quickly fade away.


For instance, fast-fashion brand Forever 21 was widely popular for its quick responses to market trends but ultimately declared bankruptcy because it couldn't keep up with changing consumer demands (NPR, 2020). This illustrates that the strategy of chasing trends is filled with uncertainty and can undermine a brand's foundation.


Discovering Passion: Starting from Within

In contrast to chasing trends, focusing on one’s passion and mission can lead to more lasting success for a business. The so-called "missionary" mindset means that entrepreneurs maintain a sense of purpose, dedicated to solving specific problems and providing genuinely valuable products or services to consumers. This mindset not only sparks creativity but also helps brands stand out in a competitive market.


For example, Patagonia is a brand that centers its philosophy on environmental sustainability, attracting a loyal customer base. The company not only focuses on product quality but also actively participates in environmental initiatives, which has helped them build a strong brand image in the market. According to Patagonia’s report, the company generated $1 billion in revenue in 2022, demonstrating the success of the "missionary" mindset (Patagonia, 2022).


Working Backwards from Customer Needs

After identifying one’s passion, the next step is to think backwards from customer needs. This means entrepreneurs must deeply understand the desires, pain points, and expectations of their target customers, and develop products or services accordingly. In this process, data analysis and market research become crucial. Research from the Harvard Business Review shows that successful companies are often those that can accurately understand customer needs (Harvard Business Review, 2021).


For instance, Airbnb’s success is based on a deep understanding of customer needs. They discovered that many travelers wanted to experience local life rather than just stay in traditional hotels. Consequently, Airbnb offers diverse accommodation options that allow travelers to stay in homes of local residents, providing a more authentic travel experience. This customer-focused strategy ensured Airbnb’s rapid rise in just a few years.


Conclusion: Focusing on Mission Rather Than Money

The entrepreneurial journey is filled with challenges, especially in today’s competitive environment. Entrepreneurs need to recognize that chasing trends may not necessarily lead to success, while focusing on personal passion and a sense of mission can provide a brand with lasting influence. Whether it is Patagonia’s commitment to the environment or Airbnb’s customer-centric approach, these successful cases underscore the importance of the "missionary" mindset.


As entrepreneurs pursue success, they should continually remind themselves to let passion guide their direction rather than blindly chase market trends. When you can align your passion with customer needs, you can carve out your place in this ever-changing market and achieve sustainable success.



1. CB Insights. (2021). "The Top 20 Reasons Startups Fail."
2. NPR. (2020). "Forever 21 Files for Bankruptcy."
3. Patagonia. (2022). "Patagonia’s Revenue Report."
4. Harvard Business Review. (2021). "Understanding Customer Needs."









根據一項研究,約有90%的新創企業在成立的前五年內失敗(CB Insights 2021)。這其中,許多企業因為未能找到持續的市場需求而關閉。追逐流行的策略,使得企業在短期內獲得一些關注,但長期來看,這樣的模式往往無法轉化為穩定的收益。以時尚產業為例,某些品牌可能會因為推出符合當前潮流的產品而瞬間走紅,但隨著潮流的變化,這些品牌也可能迅速衰退。


例如,快時尚品牌Forever 21,曾經因其快速反應市場流行而受到廣泛歡迎,但最終卻因為無法持續跟上消費者需求的變化而破產(NPR, 2020)。這告訴我們,追逐流行的策略充滿了不確定性,並且可能導致品牌的根基不穩。





舉例來說,Patagonia這個品牌以環保和可持續性為核心理念,吸引了一大批忠實顧客。該品牌不僅關注產品的質量,還積極參與環保活動,這讓他們在市場中建立了強大的品牌形象。根據Patagonia的報告,該公司在2022年的營收達到10億美元,這充分證明了「傳教士」心態的成功(Patagonia, 2022)。



在確定了自己的熱情後,接下來的步驟是從客戶的需求出發,反向思考。這意味著企業家需要深入了解目標客戶的需求、痛點和期望,並據此打造產品或服務。在這個過程中,數據分析和市場調查變得至關重要。根據哈佛商業評論的研究,成功的企業往往是那些能夠準確理解客戶需求的企業(Harvard Business Review, 2021)。










1. CB Insights. (2021). "The Top 20 Reasons Startups Fail." 
2. NPR. (2020). "Forever 21 Files for Bankruptcy."
3. Patagonia. (2022). "Patagonia’s Revenue Report."
4. Harvard Business Review. (2021). "Understanding Customer Needs."
