The Trademark Code - How to Use "™" and "®"

We often see the symbols "™" or "®" next to product or service trademarks, but do you know what they represent? These two symbols have very different usage methods and legal meanings, and grasping their proper application can greatly benefit the protection of your brand rights.


What is a "™" trademark?


The "™" trademark is also known as an "Unregistered Trademark." This means that while the trademark has not yet been officially registered with the government, your company is already using it and claiming ownership. Using the "™" symbol can remind others that the trademark belongs to your company and warn others against unauthorized use.


As long as a company starts using a trademark and the trademark has not been registered by other businesses, the "™" symbol can be used next to the trademark. This can protect your rights in using the trademark, even if the formal registration process has not yet been completed.


For example, when you just established a premium coffee shop and named it "Aroma™," you can use the "™" symbol next to the trademark to declare your ownership and warn other businesses not to use it without permission. This allows you to establish preliminary legal protection for your brand, even without completing the trademark registration.


What is a "®" trademark?


In contrast, the "®" trademark is also known as a "Registered Trademark." This means that your company has formally applied for and completed the trademark registration process with the government, obtaining the legal ownership of that trademark.


To obtain a "®" registered trademark, you need to apply to the local intellectual property management agency and go through professional review before being approved. After obtaining the registered trademark, you will have the exclusive right to use it, and can legally prevent others from using the same or similar trademarks without permission.


Using the aforementioned "Aroma™" coffee shop as an example, if you later successfully complete the trademark registration process, you can change the trademark marking to "Aroma®" to indicate that you have the legal ownership of that trademark.


As you can see, the main difference between "™" and "®" is whether the formal trademark registration process has been completed. "™" represents that the company is using the trademark, but has not yet obtained the legal ownership, while "®" indicates that the company has gone through government review and obtained the legal exclusive rights to the trademark.


So, should I use the "™" or "®" trademark?


According to relevant regulations, you can choose to first use the "™" marking, and then switch to "®" after obtaining registration. The benefit of this is that you can declare your ownership of the trademark first, and then further solidify your legal protection by completing the registration.


However, obtaining a "®" registered trademark is not a simple process. You need to spend time and money to complete the entire registration procedure, including writing the application, paying the relevant fees, and waiting for government review. During the registration process, you can still temporarily use the "™" symbol to declare your trademark ownership.


Many brand owners or startup entrepreneurs choose to use the "™" unregistered trademark when first establishing their brand, and then apply for "®" registration when they have the capability or need to do so. This not only protects their brand rights, but also allows them to use their limited resources more effectively.


However, even if you are temporarily using the "™" trademark, you still need to pay attention to certain matters. First, you must actually be using the trademark, and the trademark must not have been registered by other businesses. Secondly, you must regularly monitor the market to prevent others from misappropriating your trademark. If you discover any infringement, you must take legal action immediately.


In summary, whether you use the "™" or "®" trademark, you need to carefully manage and protect your brand assets. Trademarks are an important symbol of brand image, so you must fully understand the legal differences between these two types of trademarks and choose the most suitable usage method based on your stage of development and needs. Only in this way can you better safeguard your trademark rights and enhance the uniqueness and competitiveness of your brand.


1. Taiwan Intellectual Property Office. (August 2023). Trademark Registration Application Handbook. Retrieved from
2. Macao Economic Bureau. (August 2023). Trademark Registration Guide. Retrieved from
3. IP Australia. (August 2023). Trademark Registration Process. Retrieved from
4. Liao, Hsien-Chiang. (2022). Brand Strategy and Management. Taipei: Biz-Tech Culture.
5. Chang, Wen-Lung. (2021). Practical Analysis of Trademark Law. Taipei: Angle Publishing.
6. Lin, Hsiao-Shan. (2020). How Enterprises Can Effectively Use "™" and "®" Trademarks. MBA Library, 25(3), 56-61.





商標密碼 - 「™」與「®」的使用之道


我們常在產品或服務的商標旁看到「™」或「®」這兩個符號,你知道它們代表著什麼意義嗎? 這兩個符號的使用方式和法律意義可是大有不同,若能掌握它們的運用之道,對於維護自家品牌權益絕對大有幫助。




「™」商標也被稱為「未註冊商標」(Unregistered Trademark)。這意味著該商標雖然還未正式向政府註冊,但你的企業已經在使用並宣告對該商標擁有所有權。使用「™」標示可以提醒他人該商標屬於你的公司,並警示他人未經許可不得使用。








相比之下,「®」商標又被稱為「註冊商標」(Registered Trademark)。這代表你的企業已經正式向政府申請並完成商標的註冊程序,取得該商標的法定所有權。




















1. 台灣智慧財產局。(2023年8月)。《商標註冊申請手冊》。取自
2. 澳門經濟局。(2023年8月)。《商標註冊指南》。取自
3. IP Australia。(2023年8月)。《Trademark Registration Process》。取自
4. 廖顯強。(2022)。《品牌策略與管理》。台北:商智文化。
5. 張文龍。(2021)。《商標法實務解析》。台北:元照出版。
6. 林曉姍。(2020)。〈企業如何有效運用「™」與「®」商標〉。《MBA智庫》,25(3),56-61。
