New Yaohan Tainan Food Festival|新八佰伴台南美食節
SAM BRANDESIGN has designed the key visual poster for the Tainan Food Festival at Macau's New Yaohan supermarket. Bringing in renowned Tainan food brands such as Anping Lee Jeng Her Shing Preserved Fruit, Klin Tai-Bao, Sheriff Tea Egg, Madou Assisted Rice Cakes, DoGa Crispy Peppers, Xiaonan Rice Cakes, Xin Yu Xiang Sesame Twists, and Yinpao Pudding, and offering an authentic taste of Tainan. The key visual features a backdrop of Tainan's iconic red bricks, with the words "Tainan Food Festival" arranged in the shape of Taiwan. The wok symbolizes exclusive culinary skills, enticing people to give it a try.
SAM BRANDESIGN為澳門新八佰伴超市的台南美食節進行活動主視覺海報設計。將台灣台南李正合興蜜餞、克林台包、所長茶葉蛋、麻豆助碗粿、DoGa香酥脆椒、小南米糕、新玉香麻花捲、銀波布丁等美食品牌帶入澳門,品嚐最道地的台南味。主視覺以台南紅磚為背景,台南美食節五個字排成台灣島嶼的形狀,炒菜鍋讓人聯想獨家手藝,引人嘗試。